Otto Martini Later Years

Otto Martini Later Years
Front: Olga, Otto, Hanna, Florence; Back: Clifford, Walter, Paul, Lillie

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Parents for Sophia Jeppsson

Sophie (aka Sophia) Jeppsson, wife of Nils Elof Martini, born 2 May 1828 in Klinta, Malmöhus, Sweden.[1] Her parents have been sought after many times by other family members, however with no success. After searching for her birth record in Klinta, Malmöhus, Sweden from 1823-1833 with no success. I looked for other clues that might help me find her in earlier records. The problem was that the records for Högseröd Parish were destroyed by fire in June 1889 which destroyed the records from the mid-1840s to at least the 1860s and most were destroyed from 1845-1889.

Gudmuntorp Church By Antoniah (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Since Högseröd, Malmöhus was the place her oldest known child was born I searched nearby parish marriage records from 1848-1852 in hopes of finding the marriage record for Sophia and Nils Elof Martini. In Gudmuntorp, Malmöhus in 1851 I found the marriage record dated 13 June 1851 for Sophia Jeppsson and Nils Elof Martini. This marriage record also stated that the union was blessed by her father Inspector Jeppsson of Finnhult in Gudmuntorp.[2]

The next step was to find Sophie in her father’s home in the household records. A search of the Gudmuntorp Household Records revealed that Sophie was the daughter of Pehr Jeppsson, born 16 July 1789 in Hörby, Malmöhus, Sweden. The household record also confirmed that in 1851 Sophie moved to Höxeröd. Another clue that I first overlooked was that Sophie was the illegitimate daughter of the Inspector noted – I’nsp: o. d. I made the mistake of thinking that Pehr wife Gustava Lundberg was the mother of Sophie.[3] The 1842-1851 household records recorded the same information.I had searched the Gudmuntorp birth records from 1823-1833 and again found nothing. Since Sophie’s birth place was not noted I continued in the household records searching for clues to her birthplace.

In the 1831-1836 Gudmuntorp household record Sophie appears to be missing, she was not listed as the daughter of Pehr Jeppsson. Pehr is unmarried with no children and only servants in his household. As I searched through the servants I found a Sophie, dotter of Johanna Cronbeck, born in 1827 again no birthplace listed.  Johanna Cronbeck born 1801 in Östraby was a maid in Pehr Jeppsson’s home.[4] In Gudmuntorp the household records from 1827-1841 were kept in the same book minus the 1831-1836 household record. In the household record from 1836-1840 Sophie again appeared after Johanna Cronbeck with notation of o.d. (illegitimate daughter), they were listed at the top of the servants in Pehr Jeppsson’s home. Johanna Cronbeck moved in 1839 to B’kloster (Bosjökloster) while Sophia stayed. Sophia’s birthdate is 2 May 1828 which confirmed that she is most likely the same Sophia who had been listed as Nils Elof Martini’s wife in previous research.[5]
Östraby Church
Since Johanna Cronbeck was listed prior to Sophia from 1831-1840 chances were high that she was Sophia’s mother. Since Sophia’s birthplace was never given I tried the Östraby, Malmöhus birth records in 1828 and found that Sophia was the illegitimate daughter of Johanna Cronberg with no father’s name given born on the 2nd of May 1828.[6]
Sophia Jeppsson born 2 May 1828 in Östraby, Malmöhus, Sweden, daughter of Pehr Jeppsson and Johanna Cronbeck.

[1] Sophie Jeppsson, Källna (Kristianstad, Sweden), vol. AI:7 (1850-1855); digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 3 July 2015) p. 23. Källna, Kristianstad, Sweden, vol. AI:8 (1856-1860), p. 30, Nils Elof Martini - Sophie Jeppsson household.
[2] Nils Elof Martini - Sophie Jeppsson, Gudmuntorp (Malmöhus, Sweden), EI:1 (1839-1861), image 20, ref. #3, married 13 Jun 1851; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 6 July 2015).
[3] Sophia, Finnhult, Gudmuntorp (Malmöhus, Sweden), vol. AI:6(1851-1856); digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 28 July 2015) p. 72. Gudmuntorp, Malmöhus, Sweden, vol. AI:5 (1847-1851), p. 73. Gudmuntorp, Malmöhus, Sweden, Vol. AI:4 (1842-1847), p. 49.
[4] Johanna Cronbeck: Sophia, Finnhult, Gudmuntorp, Malmöhus, Sweden, Vol. AI:3 (1831-1836), p. 44.
[5] Sophia, Finnhult, Gudmuntorp, Malmöhus, Sweden, vol. AI:2 (1827-1841), p. 45/ image 222.
[6] Östraby (Malmöhus, Sweden), Vol. CI:4, (1789-1858), p. 37 ref. 19, Sophie, Birth, 2 May 1828; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 30 July 2015).

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Gustaf and Vendela Christina (Johansdotter) Nilsson Research Report

Woman in front of hut in Åkers parish, By A. Steijertz [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
 Gustaf Nilsson was born on 5 Jun 1822 at Torpet Skantabo in Åker, Jönköping, Sweden to Nils Hakansson and Christina Johansdotter.[1] For the first couple years of his life his family moved every six to eight months between Åker and Tofteryd parishes about eight miles apart, as the crow flies, in Jönköpings County, Sweden.[2]  In 1829 when Gustaf was about seven years old, his family moved from Åker to Tofteryd parish, where he lived and worked as a farmer throughout his adult life until his death on 30 January 1906 at Båramo in Tofteryd, Jönköpings, Sweden.[3] [4] Gustaf was a crofter or tenant farmer, this meant that he worked his land to provide for his family and would during the busiest seasons work for the landowner to meet his obligations for his tenancy. The croft or cottages were usually small one or two room cottages with dirt floors. (A possible croft from Åker pictured above)
Tofteryds Church from Luften, By L.G.foto (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Gustaf Nilsson married Vendela Christina Johannesdotter, daughter of Johannes Jonasson and Ana Catrina Svensdotter, on 9 January 1851 in Tofteryd, Jönköpings, Sweden.[5] Vendela Christina Johannesdotter was born 16 October 1826 in Kävsjö, Jönköpings, Sweden and died 19 November 1915 in Tofteryd, Jönköpings, Sweden.[6]  Gustaf and Vendela  Christina had eight children and raised six to adulthood. Their oldest living daughter Betty Cecelia married in Sweden, she had three children, two died before age five. Betty died in 1886 leaving her last child Bror Theodor, age two, with his father, Klaus Gustaf Carlsson, until he was thirteen.[7] Gustaf and Vendela's other five grown children emigrated to America from 1882-1888. Gustaf and Vendela’s first child Christina contracted dysentery when she was 2 years of age which caused her death.[8] Their other child Johanna Louis died of a seizure or stroke when she was not quite 10 months old.[9]
Kävsjö Church By Gunnar Creutz (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Due to Gustaf and Vendela’s children emigration to America, the two were left alone in their old age. When Betty Cecilia’s son Bror was thirteen he came to live with Gustaf and Vendela most likely to help care for his aging grandparents and helped work the farm with his grandfather. After Gustaf’s death in 1906, Bror continued to care for his grandmother Vendela for the next 20 years, although her last couple of years, after he had married, were spent in the community home for the aged, poor, infirm, etc. until her death in 1826.[10]

[1] Åker, Jönköpings, Sweden, C:4 (1803-1832), pg. 121, Gustaf, Birth Record; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 7 November 2015).
[2] Åker, Jönköpings, Sweden, Åker AI:6 (1814-1827), pg. 107, Gustaf Nilsson, Household Record; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 7 November 2015). Tofteryd, Jönköping, Sweden, Tofteryd AI:11, pg. 103, Gustaf Nilsson household exam. record; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 8 November 2015).  Tofteryd Husförhörslängd, Tofteryd AI:12 (1825-1830), pg. 118, Gustaf Nilsson Household Record. Åker, Jönköpings, Sweden, Åker AI:7 (1827-1834), pg. 118, Gustaf Nilsson, Household Record.
[3] Tofteryd Husförhörslängd, AI:12 (1825-1830), pg. 103, Gustaf Nilsson Household Exam Record.  Tofteryd Husförhörslängd, Tofteryd AI:12 (1825-1830), pg. 14, Gustaf Nilsson Household Exam Record. Tofteryd Husförhörslängd, AI:12 (1825-1830), pg 22, S. Gustaf.  Tofteryd Husförhörslängd, AI:13, pg. 24, S. Gustaf.  Tofteryd Husförhörslängd, AI:14 (1836-1840), pg. 22, S. Gustaf 5 Jun 1822. Tofteryd Husförhörslängd, Tofteryd AI:14 (1836-1840), pg. 14, Gustaf Nilsson household exam record.  Tofteryd Husförhörslängd, Tofteryd AI:15 (1841-1845), pg. 15 and pg. 16, Gustaf Nilsson household exam. record. Tofteryd Husförhörslängd, Tofteryd AI:15 (1841-1845, pg. 72, Gustaf Nilsson household exam record.  Tofteryd Husförhörslängd, Tofteryd AI:16 (1846-1850), pg. 72, Gustaf Nilsson household exam. record. Tofteryd Husförhörslängd, AI:16 (1846-1850), pg. 21, Torp. Gustaf Nilsson.
[4] Tofteryd, Jönköpings, Sweden, Tofteryd F:1 (1895-1908), pg 37, Gustaf Nilsson, death and burial record; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 8 November 2015).
[5] Tofteryd (Jönköpings, Sweden), Tofteryd EI:1 (1850-1860), pg 13, no. 5, Gustaf Nilsson to Wendla Christina Johannesdotter, marriage record; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 8 November 2015).
[6] Kävsjö, Jönköpings, Sweden), C:2 1822-1860, pg. 25 / image 16, Vendela Christina Johannesdotter; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed October 2015). Tofteryd, Jönköpings, Sweden, Tofteryd F:2 1909-1937, pg 24, #30 Nov 19 Vendla Christina Johannesdotter; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 15 October 2015).
[7] Tofteryd (Jönköping, Sweden), CI:6 (1875-1892), pg. 211/ image 111, Lysnings number 7; marriage number 9; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 1 November 2015). Jönköpings Sofia (Jönköpings, Sweden), Jönköpings Sofia AI:31 1881-1889, pg 178, Betty Cecilia Gustafsdotter family. Järstorp, Jönköpings, Sweden, C:6 (1861-1894), pg. 377, Betty Cecilia Gustafsdotter death record.
[8] Tofteryd (Jönköping, Sweden), Tofteryd CI:4 1835-1860, pg 215, #20 11 Oct Christina Gustafsdotter; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 15 October 2015).
[9] Tofteryd (Jönköping, Sweden), CI:4 1835-1860, pg. 223 image 118, Johanna Louisa Gustafsdotter.
[10] Lutheran State Church (Tofteryd, Jönköpings, Sweden), AIIa : I (1895-1900), pg 54, Gustaf Nilsson Torpare; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed October 2015). Tofteryd, Jönköpings, Sweden, AIIa: 2 (1901-1905), pg. 37, Gustaf Nilsson, Congregation Record. Tofteryd, Jönköpings, Sweden, Tofteryd A II a: 3 1906-1927, pg 32, Vendla Christina. Tofteryd, Jönköpings, Sweden, Tofteryd AIIa:4 1906-1910, p. 432, Vendla Christina Johansdotter. Tofteryd, Jönköpings, Sweden, Tofteryd AIIa:4 1906-1911, pg 369, Vendla Christina Johansdotter. Tofteryd, Jönköpings, Sweden, Tofteryd AIIa:5 1911-1927, pg 510, Vendela Kristina Johansdotter.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Nils Elof Martini and Family

This week I wanted to share a little more about Nils Elof Martini and his family. The letter I posted last week from his granddaughter Olga Martini, born and raised in the United States, gave us a glimpse at what the family knew in the 1970s. After researching Nils Elof Martini in the Swedish church records the following was learned.
Nils Elof Martini Birth Record 1826

Källna Church - resided in area 1855-1858
Nils Elof Martini born 24 November 1826 in Lyngsjö, Kristianstad, Sweden to Lars Eric Martini and Dorothea Lind. At the time of Nils’s birth the family lived at No. 7 Hommentorp in Lyngsjö and his father Lars Eric worked as an arrendator aka tenant farmer.1 When Nils Elof was three years old he moved to his grandparents in Högseröd, Malmöhus, Sweden. His grandfather was the pastor and his father later moved in and continued to work as an arrendator.2  It is unclear what happened to Nils’s mother, as she does not live with him or his father after he was three years old, his father's remarriage suggests that she died prior to 1830.

Veinge Church where Nils was buried
In 1850, Nils Elof had an illegitimate son named Nils who lived with his (unknown) mother until he was 15 years old. Nils Elof Martini married Sofia Jeppson on 13 June 1851 in Gudmuntorp, Malmöhus, Sweden.Nils Elof Martini followed his father's footsteps and worked as an arrendator most of his married life. In 1868 Nils got in trouble with the law (noted on the household record) from what can be made out he stole some property suggesting that the family was financially struggling.4 Prior to that time Nils Elof and Sofia had moved their family four times every three to four years.Nils Elof Martini died 17 April 1891 at the age of 64 in Veinge, Halland, Sweden cause has not been translated yet.6
Nils Elof Martini Death Record 1891
There are still unanswered questions about Nils Elof Martini's life from 18 to 28 years of age, since the Högseröd records were destroyed by fire. A couple questions that still remain to be answered are: Where did he live for the first three years of his life? Who was the mother of his first child Nils Martini? Did he work as a drang or farmhand for a time before he married Sofia? Most young adults during this time would leave home to work on another farm or homestead during their late teen and early twenties prior to marriage.   
1. Lyngsjö (Kristianstad, Sweden), vol. CI:1 (1752-1861), p.133, Nils Elof Martini, b. 24 Nov 1826,; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed and printed 1 July 2015).
2. Högseröd (Malmöhus, Sweden), vol. AI:2 (1829-1831), p. 13, grandson, Nils Elof Martini; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 3 July 2015).
3. Gudmuntorp, Malmöhus, Sweden, EI:1 (1839-1861), image 20, ref. 3, Nils Elof Martini - Sophie Jeppsson, m. 13 Jun 1851.
4. Veinge (Halland, Sweden), vol. AI:14 (1861-1869), p. 161, Nils Elof Martini - Sofia Jeppsson household; digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 1 July 2015).
5. Källna (Kristianstad, Sweden), vol. AI:7 (1850-1855); digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 3 July 2015) p. 23. Källna, Kristianstad, Sweden, vol. AI:8 (1856-1860, p. 30. Östra Ljungby, Kristianstad, Sweden, vol. AI:11 (1856-1860), p. 10. Östra Ljungby, Kristianstad, Sweden, vol. AI:12(1861-1865), p. 8. Veinge, Halland Sweden, vol. AI:14 (1861-1869), p. 161. Veinge, Halland Sweden, vol. AI:17 (1870-1879), p. 132.
6. Veinge Parish (Halland, Sweden), vol F:1, image 1200, line 23, Nils Elof Martini, death, 17 April 1891; online digital image, Arkiv Digital ( : accessed 6 July 2015).

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Letter to Ray and Gloria Martin from Aunt Olga

This transcript comes from a letter written to Ray and Gloria Martin by Olga Martin daughter of Otto and Johanna Martini. This letter contains information about Otto’s family, including spouses and children. Images: top- Olga side: letter

Dear Gloria and Ray

Just haven't gotten much information 
people just don't answer, except
the one Gust whose name should be John
in Seattle but he didn't know much.
Xmas is soon here and I guess I am as
ready as I usually am .
Dad hasn't felt too good lately, sorta 
sick feeling he says all over but he eats
and sleeps good, which is good. 
We are so happy Elaine is at last feeling
good and looks better, think I told you 
she lost 43 lbs. in a very short period
and after Drs. gave her all sorts of tests, sent 
her to this Lab. and that, they decided it 
was an over active thyroid and she is 
taking medication, she looked terrible for awhile,
she hasn't lost any more weight the last 3 weeks.
I guess we will go to Miltons at Van Nuys for 
Xmas day and to Riv. Xmas Eve to be with 
Elaine as she works Xmas will also see Flo's
Hope you folks are all well and 
have a very Happy Xmas and New Year
[page 2]
and [m]any more to come.
            Lovingly Aunt Olga

O think I make an error on Grandpa 
Martins first name as (Gust) John 
said it was Nils Martin
Nils and Christine Martin, their children below
their children, Otto, Harry, Andrew,
Another Mother
(Nils,) Lars, Johnnie, Christine and there
is one more girl which I haven’t gotten
the name for sure.
the second set of children
                                   {Dorthie May Welty
Sophia Harris  {Doris
& Donald             {Lester
(Gust) John Martin{Vivian Martin Taylor
& Elaine             {John Willis Martin Jr.
Theodore Martin who disappeared
Pete Martin   {Robb Robert
& Maude  {Richard
Hannah Nelson {no children

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Coming to America

Coming to America

During the 1870s and 1880s Otto and Johanna along with many of their siblings immigrated to the United States. As far as I can tell Johanna headed for California upon her arrival in the United States. Whereas, Otto went to Chicago, Illinois briefly before he headed to California with a friend.1 The 1910, 1920 and 1930 U.S. Census stated that Otto immigrated in 1882 and Johanna came in 1884 from Sweden.2 Often times immigrants upon arrival in the United States would Americanize their name. Such was the case for Johanna Gustafsdotter who went by Hanna Gustafson prior to her marriage to Otto. Otto did not change his name but his brother and children dropped the i at the end of Martini, and made the family name Martin. Family tradition is they changed their name because the family did not want to be associated with the Italians.   

Otto left Sweden at the age of 21 on 28 October 1881 from Göteborg, aka Gothenburg, Sweden, on the ship Romeo which arrived in the United States in 1882. The ship’s passenger list stated he was headed for Chicago, Illinois where his older brother Nils was living.3 Johanna Gustafsdotter, worked from 1882 to 1884 as a servant in Sweden, prior to immigrating to America.4 She traveled to America from Göteberg on the ship Orlando which left 2 May 1884. According to the passenger list she was headed for New York.5 However, her older sister Christina, who immigrated in 1882, lived in Riverside, California.

The siblings of Otto and Johanna who immigrated to the United States were:
Immigration Year
1900 US Census Residence6
Nils E Martini
27 July 1850
Suez Township, Mercer, Illinois
Ulrica Christina Martini
27 March 1852
Galesburg, Knox, Illinois
Maria Gustafva Martini
25 September 1855
Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Anders “Andrew” Martini
29 May 1863
Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Migrated to California by 1910
Johannes “Harry” Martini
19 July 1865
Riverside, Riverside, California
Peter Martini
Half Sister
13 March 1884
~ 1891
Riverside, Riverside, California – in Otto’s household
Sofia Martini
Half Sister
14 December 1882
~ 1891
Riverside, Riverside, California – in Otto’s household
Christina Gustafsdotter
13 May 1857
Riverside, Riverside, California
Johan Gustafsson
22 October 1861
Carl August Gustafsson
17 August 1867
Otto Gustafsson
14 November 1870
Riverside, Riverside, California

Otto had two older brothers and three younger half siblings who stayed in Sweden. While all of Johanna’s siblings except her oldest sister emigrated from Sweden. Two of her brothers, who emigrated in 1887 together, have not been discovered in U. S. immigration records or census records.7  

1.  Raymond Charles Martin interview by Amy Woodward 17 September 2016, Salt Lake City, Utah. Otto Martin to Hanna Gustafson, 3 November 1886, San Bernadino, California, “California, County Marriages, 1850-1892,” database, Family Search ( : accessed September 2016) p. 493.
2. 1910 U.S. Census, Riverside County, California, Otto Martini Household; digital image, Family Search ( : accessed September 2016); citing NARA microfilm publication.  1920 U.S. Census, Riverside County, California, Otto Martini Household; digital image, Family Search ( : accessed September 2016); citing NARA microfilm publication. 1930 U.S. Census, Riverside County, California, Otto Martini Household; digital image, Family Search ( : accessed September 2016); citing NARA microfilm publication. 
3. Otto Martini, age 21, “Gothenburg, Sweden, Passenger Lists, 1869-1951,” digital images, Ancestry  ( : accessed September 2016) passenger list, Romeo, 28 Okt 1881, p. 605, line 13,200.
4. Johanna Gustafsdotter, Byarum (Jönköping, Sweden) “Husförhörslängd” AI:25, digital image ArkivDigital ( accessed December 2015) p.185.
5. Johanna Gustafson, age 20, “Gothenburg, Sweden, Passenger Lists, 1869-1951,” digital images, Ancestry  ( : accessed September 2016) passenger list, Orlando, 2 May 1840, p. 448,  line 979.
6. 1900 U.S. Census; digital image, Family Search ( accessed November 2015); citing NARA microfilm publication T623. 
7. Johan and Carl August Gustafson, Tofteryd (Jönköping, Sweden) “Flyttnings-Längd” vol. BI:3, digital image ArkivDigital ( accessed December 2015) p. 59.